Clinics & Training

Winter 2025 Offerings

Sign up for Rebels Friday Night Reps volleyball clinics and take your skills to the next level! Designed specifically for OVA rep team athletes, FNR clinics offer a fantastic opportunity to refine your technique, boost your confidence, and connect with other OVA players. With high quality coaching and a focus on skill technique and development, you’ll leave feeling empowered and ready for the season ahead. Athletes must currently play on an OVA competitive team in the division matching the clinic (ie. athletes on a 6v6 team may only register for 6v6, and not TLS).

Registration for each clilnic will open the Friday prior to the clinic (1 week prior). Friday Night Reps is non-refundable, please check your schedule carefully before registering. Registration closes when program reaches capacity; waitlists are not generated for Friday Night Reps.

Max. 12 athletes, $40 for 90 minute session. If your athlete is not on a Rebels competitive team, you must provide their Ontario Volleyball MRS number during the registration process.

All clinics take place at Canada Christian College, 300 Water Street, Whitby from 6-7:30 p.m.

DateDivisionRegistration Status
January 10, 2025TLS/15U MiddlesSESSION COMPLETE
January 17, 2025TLS Girls: Passing & Serve ReceiveSESSION COMPLETE
15U Girls: Attacking TransitionSESSION COMPLETE
November 16v6 Girls: Serving & Serve ReceiveSESSION COMPLETE
November 1515U Girls: DefenseSESSION COMPLETE
November 226v6 Girls: TransitioningSESSION COMPLETE
November 29TLS Girls: BlockingSESSION FULL